❯ Technical certification program that teaches students how to design, engineer, and program cyber-secure projects using the Niagara 4 Framework.
4 days of classroom training with hands-on lab exercises, descriptive presentations and lectures, followed on day 5 by a written test as well as a practical hands-on station test. Students in this class will advance their understanding of working in a Niagara4 Station, allowing the student to more quickly and efficiently satisfy the customer’s needs in the stations built for real-world installations. This class includes an in-depth look at Supervisor Station configuration as well as tools that apply to stations running on a JACE. Be prepared to move fairly quickly through very technical material. Successful completion of the certification test will earn a certification issued by Tridium.
Level III Class Outline
Changing the System Passphrase of a Station
Station Security, Replacing the admin User Account
BACnet Integration:
MS/TP Integration
IP Integration
Tuning Policies
Adding Controllers though Discovery and From A Palatte
Niagara Object Model
Understanding BFormat Text
Program Service / Batch Editor
BQL Query Basics
Adding Slots to a Component
Modifying a Slot Value
Tagging With The Batch Editor
Renaming Components
Setting Slot Flags
Linking PX Views To Components
Schedule Links With The Batch Editor
BQL Queries and BQL Select Statements
BQL Aggregates and Predicates
BQL Having and Order By Clauses
Niagara Entity Query Language (NEQL)
Data Modeling / Smart Tag Dictionary
Tag Rules
Metadata Browser
Hierarchies Part 1, Tagging and Creating Relationships
Hierarchies Part 2, Query Level and Relation Level Definition
History Groups
Optional Lab, History Tools, History Nav Shortcuts
Series Transforms
Reports Part 1, Transform Graphs to PX View
Reports Part 2, Report Data using a Component Grid
Exporting Report Data to PDF and CSV Files
JACE Metrics and Diagnostics
Creating a Supervisor Station
Working With Security Certificates
Root CA Certificates
Creating Server Certificate
Creating A Certificate Signing Request
Signing A Certificate
Installing Certificates
Niagara Network: Creating Proxy Points and Learning Tags
Niagara Network – Alarms from the JACE to the Supervisor
Niagara Network, History Import
Niagara Network: Supervisor Graphics
Station Joining
Export Tagging, Point Tags
System History Import Tags
Schedule Export Tags
PX View Tags
Supervisor Provisioning – Auto Backup of Stations
Copying Stations
Certification Test
Upcoming Level III (Advanced) Classes 2025
January 20 -24 | Virtual, 8 am - 5 pm central time THIS CLASS IS FULL!
March 3 - 7 | Virtual, 8 am - 5 pm central time
NOTE: These two classes are the 2024 version of the Level II Advanced Certification Training class. The March class will be the last of the Advanced Certification classes held with the current class curriculum. The Level II Advanced Certification class as held in 2024 will be re-branded in 2025 to Level III (Advanced) Certification with a redesigned class available. The new Level III Advanced certification class should be available in 2nd quarter of 2025. Meanwhile, check out the new Level II Intermediate Certification class, available (hopefully) in February 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: The certification training classes offered by M.O.V. Training Services are fast paced, intensive training classes on a sophisticated software program. These classes ARE NOT classes on how to use Microsoft Windows. Students who register for these classes are expected to have at least basic skills on a Windows 10 or newer computer (note, Windows 10 is used on the computers you will use in the classroom). If you don't know the difference between a right and left mouse click, these classes are not for you. You are informed here that the class WILL NOT slow down to accommodate students who can't navigate file paths or perform other basic Windows computer functions. No refund of tuition will be made to students who don't heed this information