Honeywell Controller Training

Classic Spyder Controller Training

This class focuses on programming what is now called the Classic Spyder Controller made by Honeywell. The focus on the class is understanding the basic step on programming the controller using a realistic control specification. First we’ll start programming a simple pressure-dependent VAV (variable air volume) sequence in a LON Spyder controller. The class then moves into programming a discharge air temperature control sequence and a dual pump lead/lag sequence in a BACnet Spyder controller.

Training Schedule

  • Spyder controller basics:

    • Models available

    • Standard Spyder

    • Spyder Micro

    • ILC Spyders

    • VAV and Unitary models

    • LON and BACnet Models

      Configuring the LON Spyder Controller:

    • Space Temperature Control using a VAV Spyder (Pressure dependent box w/ reheat)

    • Basic ZIO wall module configuration and operation

    • Using Functional Blocks: PID, Compare, AND, NOT, OR, etc.

    • Creating Proxied Points

    • Spyder Simulation Mode

    • Lunch

    • Calculating Terminal Load

    • Downloading a Honeywell Spyder Controller

    • Commissioning / downloading / binding the controller

    • Monitoring Honeywell Spyder Points

    • Setting the controller clock

    • Diagnosing controller points

    • Setting sensor offsets

    • Spyder Debug Mode

  • BACnet Spyder: Discharge Air Temperature Control with Setpoint Reset

    • Dry-bulb Economizer Operation

    • Sequencing heating / economizer / cooling processes

    • Resetting the DAT setpoint from Terminal Load

    • Manual DAT Setpoint override

    • Discharge Air Temperature Control with Setpoint Reset

    • Damper minimum position

    • Closing the damper on a Freeze Stat alarm

    • Discharge Air Temperature Low Limit

    • Lunch

    • Scheduling a Spyder controller

    • Spyder internal schedules

    • Using a Niagara schedule in a Spyder

    • Using a Spyder schedule as a failsafe schedule

    • Network Communication

    • Dual Pump Lead / Lag, with Alarm Generation and Lag Pump Startup on Lead Failure

    • Switching Lead Pump based on Calendar and Runtime

Classic Spyder Controller made by Honeywell

Upcoming Spyder Classes 2025

February 2 - 3 | Virtual

April 14 - 15 | Virtual

July 15 - 16 | Virtual

September 3 - 4 | Virtual

PLEASE NOTE: The certification training classes offered by M.O.V. Training Services are fast paced, intensive training classes on a sophisticated software program. These classes ARE NOT classes on how to use Microsoft Windows. Students who register for these classes are expected to have at least basic skills on a Windows 10 or newer computer (note, Windows 10 is used on the computers you will use in the classroom). If you don't know the difference between a right and left mouse click, these classes are not for you. You are informed here that the class WILL NOT slow down to accommodate students who can't navigate file paths or perform other basic Windows computer functions. No refund of tuition will be made to students who don't heed this information

  • Student comment from a recent class in Baltimore, MD:  Vern, I just wanted to say you do an amazing job at teaching Niagara classes. Your class is by far the most informative class I have ever taken. The knowledge you provide to us and training is next level. Thank you again for everything.

  • Customer comment after a recent Niagara AX Certification Training class:  Vern I can't thank you enough.  Great class, perfect pace, very efficiently ran and I truly feel like I got my moneys worth.  Well, my boss's moneys worth. Probably the most professionally ran class I have taken, truly.